Image credit: Ante Hammersmit
Ways of Working
SWEEP’s success has been as much about how we worked, as what we delivered (the impact). We developed a suite of mechanisms, or ‘SWEEP services’, that were carefully designed to nurture relationships and deliver maximum impact. Embedded within the delivery process, they created firm and durable foundations underpinning all our projects and activities. These ‘SWEEP services’ were vital to the successful delivery of impact achieved to date, as well as ensuring a strong legacy of anticipated impact into the future.

Skilled impact delivery
SWEEP impact specialists and academic teams working together to shape the strongest impact pathways.
Collaboration and co-creation
Creating firm foundations for real change through joint decision-making with external practitioners.
Productive and durable partnerships
Consolidating lasting relationships through meaningful partnership-working practices.
Capacity building
Boosting organisational capacity through training, upskilling and consensus building.
Innovative knowledge exchange
Generating new opportunities through the two-way sharing of state-of-the-art academic research findings and techniques, and industry working practices.
Tailored decision support
Investing in time to develop bespoke tools and services that respond to need and enhance decision-support capabilities.
Natural Capital valuation
Bringing the value of environmental goods and services into the heart of organisational decision making, as a core pillar of SWEEP’s Natural Capital Approach.Key roles within the SWEEP Team
There were four key elements to the SWEEP team that worked seamlessly together to deliver the services outlined above:
Impact Fellows
Hybrid roles focused on conducting applied research to translate science into environmental, economic and social benefits. With varied backgrounds, relevant subject matter and technical expertise, as well as the ‘softer’ skills to work collaboratively with external non-academic partners, embedding new capability and delivering real world benefits.
Partners were also embedded in the team, forming a key component, enabling effective planning, delivery and evaluation and also ensuring a successful two-way exchange of knowledge and impact generation.
Impact Facilitation Team
Impact facilitators with extensive knowledge and skills in project management, strategic impact delivery, evaluation, monitoring and evidencing, relationship building, knowledge transfer, design and communications.
Academic Experts
Academic experts with diverse and interdisciplinary backgrounds (integrating the natural and physical sciences, economics and social sciences), providing academic leadership and ensuring research excellence is embedded throughout SWEEP’s activities.